OK, thanks. Sorry you are still having trouble!
Spine doesn't use your system Java (it bundles its own Java) and is unlikely to work by running it with any other Java.
The first thing I suggest is to try downloading and reinstalling Spine. The latest launcher version is 3.7.19 and I see your log says Spine Launcher 3.7.17
Your terminal logs show Spine starts fine and thinks it is running. By the time it has shown Started.
it has created its window and loaded everything. The next and last thing it does is load the previously loaded project. If you don't see a Spine window, that is really odd!
You can try running jstack on Spine: jstack PID > stack.txt
where PID
is Spine's Java process ID, then post or email the stack.txt file. This will help us see what Spine is executing at that moment in time. It may help to do it a few times so we have a few snapshots of what it was doing. jstack
is part of the JDK.
There are a couple easier things to try though.
You can specify the Spine version to use by creating a file called log.txt here (showing all OS paths in case others come across this post):
Windows: `<user home folder>\Spine\log.txt`
Mac: `<user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/log.txt`
Linux: `<user home folder>/.spine/log.txt`
In the file put the version of Spine you want to use, eg 3.6.52
. If that works then we at least narrow it down to something in 3.6.53.
New you can try resetting your preferences, stored here:
Windows: `<user home folder>\Spine\`
Mac: `<user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/`
Linux: `<user home folder>/.spine/`
You can back up those files before going further, though just deleting the whole folder is OK, you'll just lose some settings, hotkeys, etc. If it does turn out that resetting your preferences fixes it, sending us the bad preferences files would be helpful.
First you can try deleting recent.json
and try to start Spine. This stores your recently loaded project files and other paths. If Spine is choking trying to load a project, this may help.
Next delete the views.json
file and try to start Spine. This is unlikely to help, but this can tell us if the problem is with Spine loading the view layout.
Next delete the prefs.json
file and try to start Spine. This stores the rest of your settings.
Hopefully something there shines some light on the problem, if not we'll go from there. Best of luck!
Oops, we posted at the same time. To be clear, if you are running an app called Moom then Spine shows the hang-like behavior you've described?