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Issue with material swapping / greyscale shader
I'm having some trouble with materal swapping on my skeletons
I have several skeleton that have an original material and a copy of this material which is using a different shader ( the awesome skeleton-greyscale shader provider by esoteric ).
From the research I did, this is how I should swap materials in skeleton :
//Greyscale on
m_Controller.Skeleton.CustomMaterialOverride.Add(m_OriginalMat, m_GrayScaleMat);
//Greyscale off
however this doesn't have any effect on my visual and material remain the original one :
I tried doing the following thing instead :
Skeleton.Renderer.sharedMaterial = m_GrayScaleMat;
Skeleton.Renderer.sharedMaterial = m_OriginalMat;
this actually works but not on all objects strangely.
maybe I'm missing something, could you please shed some light on me
Unfortunately we could not reproduce your problem - are you sure that the Clear()
call is issued at the proper skeleton?
This short test-component works perfectly for us:
public class testCustomMaterialOverride : MonoBehaviour {
public Material fromMaterial;
public Material toMaterial;
IEnumerator Start() {
var skeleton = this.GetComponent<Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation>();
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f);
skeleton.CustomMaterialOverride.Add(fromMaterial, toMaterial);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f);
Hi thanks for your answer, I found my problem :
I was doing something like this :
m_OriginalMat = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material;
now am directy referencing the material as a public properties and this script works.
Thanks for getting back to us, glad you found the problem!