Erika Hello! batch import of animations is on our roadmap, but it is not available yet in Spine. 你好! 批量导入动画在我们的路线图上,但在Spine中尚未提供。 You can track the feature here: 您可以在此处跟踪该功能: Allow importing multiple animations at once · #258 · EsotericSoftware/spine-editor
starry Erikari wroteHello! batch import of animations is on our roadmap, but it is not available yet in Spine. 你好! 批量导入动画在我们的路线图上,但在Spine中尚未提供。 You can track the feature here: 您可以在此处跟踪该功能: Allow importing multiple animations at once · #258 · EsotericSoftware/spine-editor 首先,谢谢你们能把这个功能提到计划上,但是我看到2017年9月就已经有了,能不能加快进度呢?