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  • bulk unlink mesh option?

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I've been using spine for a little while now and I can't for the life of me find if there is an option or a way to unlink all meshes from the source mesh, rather than individually go into each mesh and unlink it there.
The characters I am rigging have multiple skins and rather than create each individually, I have created a base skin and then duplicated it. This creates a linked mesh which is great cause the weights carry over but not so great when I want to go in and edit each mesh or make edits/delete to the mesh that everything is linked to .

Is there a fabulous little button that i'm missing that will unlink all meshes from the parent?

Sorry, we don't have a way to unlink all the selected linked meshes when multiple linked meshes are selected. However, when duplicating a skin you can choose not to create linked meshes by unchecking the Linked meshes checkbox:

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Ah! I knew there'd be an easy way around this!
Thanks, that helps a lot :grinteeth: Not sure how I completely overlooked these options!!