Hello there !
It's been quiet a long time and I'm back in business with some friends.
I've been away for a while and my new co workers (Unity noobies) would like to know if there are any basic packages, assets or good practices up to date.
Back in my days, I took the SkeletonAnimation road, and hardcoded the states changes and animations, the SkeletonMecanim didn't seem to fully benefit from all the cool Spine features so I made kind of a hack and used it as a simple state machine, adding StateBehavior calling for actual SkeletonAnimation methods and properties.
How about today ? I know the Spine editor has been greatly improved, what about the Spine Unity runtime ? What are the usual implementations of your players (and ennemies) behaviors/animations ?
Thank you all for your input, I'm so looking forward to play with Spine again
PS : if this is relevant, we're working on an action-platformer :shh: