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Some questions about runtime unity need to be helped!
first sorry for my post frequently,i feel so difficult to get the tutorial of spine,most of the page is 404 now , and don't have a home page of tutorial.
1 about swap clothing, because the different clothes have different mesh, so for now the best solution is set skin for each clothing and in unity we can merge skins to one skin and show it, am I correct?
2 about weapon,if I want to use unity's collider3d so we have to give up the boundbox in spine, and for now I found a solution that spawn hierarchy in skeletonAnimation,then we can get the tree of bones,finally i put my weapon into(transform.setparent) which bone i need like handbone,so that I can use collider3d and particleSystem and light system with my weapon and still animate with character,and i have to use the collider with spine event also,so that i will get a correct effect of cut/hit/attack,am I correct?
3 about bonefollower,what is the different between bonefollower and the second way i post by using transform.setparten, and can I ignore this if i generate the bones tree?
the reason i m here to ask these stupid questions is most results i have seen in google is about more than five years ago,so I m not sure which skill is not obsoluted.and its real hard to get tutorial in chinese internet
finally sorry for my english.
liunliun wrotefirst sorry for my post frequently,i feel so difficult to get the tutorial of spine,most of the page is 404 now , and don't have a home page of tutorial.
We are sorry that finding tutorial pages and videos was not providing a good experience for you. For which page do you receive a 404 error? We are not yet aware of 404 errors on our documentation pages, e.g. the spine-unity documentation page should always be available: spine-unity Runtime Documentation: Getting Started. Does this page display correctly for you?
Did you have a look at the Spine Academy section on the website, especially the videos section, or do you also receive 404 errors there? I assume that you cannot access youtube, is that correct?
Anyway, you are right that there is no complete equipment skin tutorial or example scene available specifically for spine-unity. I will create a new example scene that demonstrates the updated 3.8 Skin API usage. Please note that there is already a section on the spine-unity documentation pages, including code: spine-unity Runtime Documentation: Combining Skins. Did you already have a look at this section or the spine-unity documentation page in general? If yes, was it unclear?
Regarding your questions:
liunliun wrote1 about swap clothing, because the different clothes have different mesh, so for now the best solution is set skin for each clothing and in unity we can merge skins to one skin and show it, am I correct?
Yes, you are absolutely right. You can check out the documentation page section "Combining Skins" mentioned above: spine-unity Runtime Documentation: Combining Skins.
liunliun wrote2 about weapon,if I want to use unity's collider3d so we have to give up the boundbox in spine, and for now I found a solution that spawn hierarchy in skeletonAnimation
If you don't need the complete hierarchy of every bone, but want to attach e.g. a collider or weapon only to a single bone, it is better and much easier to use a BoneFollower
Component, as described on the spine-unity documentation pages.
liunliun wrote3 about bonefollower,what is the different between bonefollower and the second way i post by using transform.setparten, and can I ignore this if i generate the bones tree?
As described above, you should rather prefer using a single BoneFollower
Component which is a more lightweight Component instead of having a complete hierarchy of (not so lightweight) SkeletonUtilityBone
Components. SkeletonUtilityBone
is more flexible as it allows to either follow or override Bone position, rotation or scale configurably, but this comes at an additional cost in terms of CPU time spent, especially since it needs SkeletonUtilityBones
for all parent Bones in the typical setup.
liunliun wrotethe reason i m here to ask these stupid questions is most results i have seen in google is about more than five years ago,so I m not sure which skill is not obsoluted.and its real hard to get tutorial in chinese internet
finally sorry for my english.
Your questions are not stupid at all and your English is actually very good, no need to apologize! This helps us to see what is not clearly explained and what is not intuitive or comfortable to use yet. We will also provide a CombinedSkin
Component in the future which will hopefully make this more intuitive and easy to use. An issue ticket for this feature can be found here: [unity] Provide component interface to set combined skins · #1633. The example scenes will also be updated to more clearly teach one feature after another. Unfortunately some important tasks have been holding us back for some time, but I'm confident that we will get to these improvements soon.
Thanks for the feedback!
Harald wroteliunliun wrotefirst sorry for my post frequently,i feel so difficult to get the tutorial of spine,most of the page is 404 now , and don't have a home page of tutorial.
We are sorry that finding tutorial pages and videos was not providing a good experience for you. For which page do you receive a 404 error? We are not yet aware of 404 errors on our documentation pages, e.g. the spine-unity documentation page should always be available: spine-unity Runtime Documentation: Getting Started. Does this page display correctly for you?
Did you have a look at the Spine Academy section on the website, especially the videos section, or do you also receive 404 errors there? I assume that you cannot access youtube, is that correct?
Anyway, you are right that there is no complete equipment skin tutorial or example scene available specifically for spine-unity. I will create a new example scene that demonstrates the updated 3.8 Skin API usage. Please note that there is already a section on the spine-unity documentation pages, including code: spine-unity Runtime Documentation: Combining Skins. Did you already have a look at this section or the spine-unity documentation page in general? If yes, was it unclear?
Regarding your questions:
liunliun wrote1 about swap clothing, because the different clothes have different mesh, so for now the best solution is set skin for each clothing and in unity we can merge skins to one skin and show it, am I correct?
Yes, you are absolutely right. You can check out the documentation page section "Combining Skins" mentioned above: spine-unity Runtime Documentation: Combining Skins.
liunliun wrote2 about weapon,if I want to use unity's collider3d so we have to give up the boundbox in spine, and for now I found a solution that spawn hierarchy in skeletonAnimation
If you don't need the complete hierarchy of every bone, but want to attach e.g. a collider or weapon only to a single bone, it is better and much easier to use a
Component, as described on the spine-unity documentation pages.liunliun wrote3 about bonefollower,what is the different between bonefollower and the second way i post by using transform.setparten, and can I ignore this if i generate the bones tree?
As described above, you should rather prefer using a single
Component which is a more lightweight Component instead of having a complete hierarchy of (not so lightweight)SkeletonUtilityBone
is more flexible as it allows to either follow or override Bone position, rotation or scale configurably, but this comes at an additional cost in terms of CPU time spent, especially since it needsSkeletonUtilityBones
for all parent Bones in the typical setup.liunliun wrotethe reason i m here to ask these stupid questions is most results i have seen in google is about more than five years ago,so I m not sure which skill is not obsoluted.and its real hard to get tutorial in chinese internet
finally sorry for my english.Your questions are not stupid at all and your English is actually very good, no need to apologize! This helps us to see what is not clearly explained and what is not intuitive or comfortable to use yet. We will also provide a
Component in the future which will hopefully make this more intuitive and easy to use. An issue ticket for this feature can be found here: [unity] Provide component interface to set combined skins · #1633. The example scenes will also be updated to more clearly teach one feature after another. Unfortunately some important tasks have been holding us back for some time, but I'm confident that we will get to these improvements soon.Thanks for the feedback!
hey Harald,thank you very very much for your replying,it solved all my problems! its made me feel so happy work in Spin with you and your teams! thank you again. and best wishes to you my friend!
Thank you very much for your kind words!
It makes us very happy when you are happy working with Spine! We are always trying to improve things wherever they are not yet easy to understand and use, so any feedback is always welcome! We wish you all the best and good luck with your project!