I am having a really bad time with mecanim and spine. I don't know if I am not working correctly or bugs.
For example if I select a clip and turn on "loop" sometimes it works, sometime not... sometimes I turn on and doesn't work at the beggining, but after sometime it suddenly start to work.
When I use Mecanim Override. Sometimes the animation doesn't even play, sometimes it plays normally, and sometimes play just the half of the animation.
Other thing I found that doesn't work as well, If I create for example an animation inside unity and put this clip together with other spine clips inside mecanim, the spine animations stop working.
For example I want to animate the material properties in a second add layer all spine animations stops.
I use mecanim with 3D and I never had this type of problem, there is a way to work with mecanim on spine or this are just bugs?
Any ideas?