- 編集済み
I want to use Skins to programatically change parts of the character (example, type of head, type of tail etc). But the problem is that I just found out that you cannot have more than one Attachment per "Skin placeholder". I'm using multiple Attachments to animate each body part.
For example, head01 has 6 different Attachments, which are 6 different frames of its animation (head01-frame01, head01-frame02 etc). Before using Skins I was just animating it by keying the visibility of each frame. This was working fine. But if I want to have head01 on one Skin and head02 on another Skin. Then I'll have to put each frame of head01 inside the Skin placeholder. But I cannot do that, because there can only be one frame per Skin. So I cannot animate the head if it belongs to a Skin.
One solution I can think of. Would be animating the head by creating a Slot for each frame, and animate the Slots instead of animating the Attachments. Then each attachment could have multiple Skins. But that sounds like an extremely hacky workaround. And it would look way too confusing and messy in the editor. Specially since there cannot be a hierarchy of Slots inside other Slots. So different parts of the head (eyes, eyelids, mouth, etc) would each 6 or so slots each all grouped together, each with multiple Skins inside.
[Edit: turns out this workaround doesn't work either because you cannot key the actual Slot, only the individual Attachments inside it]
Is there an obvious solution I'm missing here?