I have exported several characters and all has been well, however this time i noticed my walk animation was not drawing right , so i traced it back to spine not actually rendering all of the characters walk sequence.
It should export 16 sprites as a walk sequence, but its only rendering 9 for some reason, the preview shows 16, and it worked on all other models, just not this one ? Very simple model as well.
The character has 4 animations, walk 16 attack 16 die 8 and idle 16. so it should have 56 frames. however the walk sequence is only actually outputting 9 frames, but the atlas has 16, its reusing several sprites.
On the export preview i can scroll through the frames and see all 16. This is not that its reusing the same frames, although something funny there is going on with that. The animation is simply cutting off half way through. I made the character do more exagerated movements during that animation and its now putting all the frames out and the animation is drawing fine, so best guess is that it thought a number of frames were very similar so decided to reuse them, but something went wrong somewhere....
Any ideas?