TheWorst We believe we've found a bug in spine runtime warnings. As you can see, warning suggests that Straight Alpha Texture is disabled on material, but in inspector you can see it's not. Spine runtime version is 3.8, unity version is 2019.4.12f1. Thanks
Harald It could be that your Material contains a leftover _ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON keyword from using a previous shader. Could you please switch the Inspector to Debug mode (at the top right icon) and copy the content of Shader Keywords here?
TheWorst Hi Harald, and thanks for looking into this. Here: _ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON _STRAIGHT_ALPHA_INPUT _USE8NEIGHBOURHOOD_ON
Harald Thanks for looking it up. I'm glad to see this leftover _ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON keyword (which is ignored by the current material's shader, but creates the warning unfortunately). Please remove the _ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON part from the keywords string, then the warning should be gone.