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  • [Request] Select Parent button

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Just realized would love this button.

All bones can have one button which just selects the parent


Maybe something like this in the hierarchy view?

There's a number of hotkeys for navigating the tree, including Parent Bone: ctrl + UP to select the parent bone:

Parent: ctrl + shift + UP
Child: ctrl + shift + DOWN
Previous Sibling: ctrl + shift + LEFT
Next Sibling: ctrl + shift + RIGHT
Expand/Collapse: ctrl + shift + ENTER
Parent Bone: ctrl + UP
Child Bone: ctrl + DOWN
Previous Sibling Bone: ctrl + LEFT
Next Sibling Bone: ctrl + RIGHT
Tree Up: alt + UP
Tree Down: alt + DOWN
Collapse: alt + LEFT
Expand: alt + RIGHT

Is that sufficient? There's currently no button in the UI, but then you could just click the parent instead of a button.

Super! Thanks. Already using