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I must use the previous version for training, what should I
I'm teaching Spine online.
But there was a problem.
In the trial version of Spine, only the redesigned Curve Editor is used, so the previous version cannot be used.
Therefore, it is not possible to train the previous version using the trial version.
Actually, since the previous version is being used in the field, it is also necessary to learn the previous version.
Please, please solve this problem.
Thank you.
Since only the latest version is supported in the trial version, it is not possible to practice the previous version.
I must use the previous version for training, what should I do? :scared:
It is necessary to download previous versions other than the latest version trial version. Could you give me a link to the material?
The trial version is really only intended to be used to explore Spine's features. I'm afraid the trial can only load the latest version. In fact it is impossible for it to run versions older than v4 at all, even if we wanted it to, because it is lacking a large amount of technology needed to do tha. That's one reason why the trial is about half the size of the full version.
If so, is it possible to select and download the trial installation version of the previous version?
Sorry, that is also not possible. The trial installation doesn't contain most of the actual editor, which needs to be downloaded. We don't have server support to provide downloads for the old trial versions because it's mandatory for the trial to use the latest. If you had an old trial installation it could only tell you that you need to install the latest trial.
Unless you can license Spine Education, likely the only solution is to use the latest version in the trial. The new graph is an absolutely massive improvement, so every Spine animator will want to update ASAP, if at all possible. v4 is still beta of course, but it won't be terribly long until it's ready for non-beta.