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  • How to use smaller sprites for the same animation?

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it has turned out that the images I painted in Photoshop are too big for our game's possibilities. But the animation itself is fine. And my burning question is: is there any way to down-scale the images or the entire sprite-sheets, so that the animation and the meshes still behave and look the same?

Please, help me out folks. It would massive make-over and a couple working of days lost.

Cheers 🙂

Oh, thank you! But does it require to export texture pack in a smaller scale first and then import them using the method above? Or when I use this method, the images will be down-scaled later when exporting?

This method is for when you are changing the size of the images Spine uses. You would resize your images to the size you like (using Photoshop or whatever you are using), then import the JSON from your project and scale it to match the images.

Another option is to continue using the large images in Spine, but when packing the texture atlas you'd scale the images down. Then you need to specify the same scale when you load the skeleton data at runtime:
Loading Skeleton Data - Spine Runtimes Guide: Scaling

Both ways are perfectly fine. You don't have to use the same size images in Spine as you do at runtime. Some apps even package multiple atlases and load the one closest to the user's device resolution.

Thank you so much for your help!

4ヶ月 後

I'm currently thinking about using this guide https://felgo.com/doc/felgo-different-screen-sizes/ for my game. It says to create the game around the smallest sprites first, then have different versions (sd, hd, hd2, 4k) for different resolutions. How should I do when using Spine? Should I create 4 different versions and place every version for each slot (for example 4 heads in different resolutions in the same slot) but the bones are scaled for the smallest sprite (sd)?

@joelwe, please see here:
Loading Skeleton Data - Spine Runtimes Guide: Scaling

There are many ways to do it. None of them require any extra work in Spine. You only need to create your Spine animations once.

You can use your smallest images in Spine. You'd then pack 4 atlases, each using different sized images. At runtime you'd choose an atlas, then scale the Spine data to match. Eg, if your atlas is twice the size as your images in Spine, you'd scale the data using 2.

Great Nate, thank you very much! 🙂

Hi again!
Now I tested creating 4 different folders with images to test this out. Then I created a simple animation.

Then I exported this in Spine:

But when I try to import this, the skeletondata is not created?

In my example, in Spine you should choose one size of images as the images folder, not the parent of that folder. You can use find and replace to fix up your attachment names. Also you need to pack 4 different atlases.