Hi, I've been bouncing around between various 2d skeletal animation programs lately (mainly Blender with COAtools and Unity's Anima2D plugin), and Spine is shaping up to be very effective, especially with the new curve system.
However, it has one unfortunate flaw that really slows down my workflow, the lack of a smoothing brush or being able to use the smooth function on internal verteces. Manually assigning the weights of each vertex takes a very long time when dealing with a denser mesh.
I wasn't able to find a forum post about this specific topic, so I'll ask here, are there currently any plans to improve weight painting?
Requests TLDR:
- Allow the smooth function to affect the inner verteces of a mesh, (affecting only selected verteces, if there are any selected).
- Add a smoothing brush type, something like the one in blender.
- Bone weight locking, there was a github issue about this one, but I don't think anything came of it.
- Being able to manually pick a bone's weight colour in weight painting mode, this would help with visual clarity, sometimes the bone weight colours are too similar and become hard to differentiate.[/b]
These features would really help to speed up the work process for anyone working with dense meshes that involve fine tuned deforms.