Good morning.
I am a programmer who makes games with a cool tool called Spine.
Since our project wants to be able to customize each of the skins, Spine has a lot of skins. (More than 1500 png files only)
Previously, it was selected well even if it took an hour when exporting,
Even if you export for about 12 hours recently, it is still in progress.
The export json format is as below.
How can I reduce it even a little?
Spine version is 3.8.99 professional
"class": "export-binary",
"name": "Binary",
"project": "E:\\spine\\01_character\\01_base_character\\c41\\c41.spine",
"output": "E:\\spine\\01_character\\01_base_character\\c41\\unity_export",
"open": false,
"extension": ".skel.bytes",
"nonessential": false,
"cleanUp": true,
"packAtlas": {
"stripWhitespaceX": true,
"stripWhitespaceY": true,
"rotation": false,
"alias": true,
"ignoreBlankImages": true,
"alphaThreshold": 3,
"minWidth": 2048,
"minHeight": 2048,
"maxWidth": 2048,
"maxHeight": 2048,
"pot": true,
"multipleOfFour": false,
"square": true,
"outputFormat": "png",
"jpegQuality": 0.9,
"premultiplyAlpha": true,
"bleed": false,
"scale": [ 1 ],
"scaleSuffix": [ "" ],
"scaleResampling": [ "bicubic" ],
"paddingX": 2,
"paddingY": 2,
"edgePadding": true,
"duplicatePadding": false,
"filterMin": "Linear",
"filterMag": "Linear",
"wrapX": "ClampToEdge",
"wrapY": "ClampToEdge",
"format": "RGBA8888",
"atlasExtension": ".atlas.txt",
"combineSubdirectories": false,
"flattenPaths": false,
"useIndexes": false,
"debug": false,
"fast": true,
"limitMemory": false,
"currentProject": true,
"packing": "polygons",
"silent": false,
"ignore": false,
"bleedIterations": 2
"packSource": "attachments",
"packTarget": "perskeleton",
"warnings": true