Thanks for your reply.
I tried your suggestion with the skeleton viewer, but it shuts down seconds after I opened it? Argh! 🙂
This is the output when I run it from Git Bash:
Yes I can try to clarify, sorry!
Forget what I wrote - I thought there was a system in what sprites showed up and which don't, but if there is, I haven't found it yet.
So far part of the sprites show up. So I actually don't know if it's related to skins or not. I only assumed it was a skin issue, because we haven't had Phaser issues before, with sprites not showing up, until now, with the first character that has different skins.
So it might be something different than skins. The atlas has all the elements, but in phaser only some elements show up.
Could it be related to transforms on the different slots or bones? I don't recall having done anything peculiar.
Here is a picture of some of my tree, in case you see something that looks wrong.
okay it is definitely skin related, because i deleted all skins and skin placeholders and all sprites showed up in Spine .
So my programmer colleague found a workaround! Which was to call "spine.setSkin(null);" before choosing skin in Spine.
But I would still really like to know, if there's something I can do in Spine?