A coworker wrote a script for me that generates a beautiful JSON file for Spine based on my Aseprite file.
Because we are working with Game Maker we're stuck with Spine 3.7, which is able to import this data into a new skeleton but, unlike later versions, does not have the ability to import data into an existing skeleton.
I tried an absolutely terrible workaround, which was to open my Spine project in a later runtime, import the new data, and then use the skeleton viewer trick to convert the project back to 3.7. I haven't been able to get this to work yet ("sorry, an error occurred while reading the project file"), but I'm willing to keep trying this inadvisable workflow if it's my best bet.
Not expecting any miracles, but just wondering if you know of any other workarounds I'm not considering... hopefully GM will support a more recent runtime sooner rather than later.