Hello everybody ^^
I have a small question about making a bird fly.
I watched a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg7M43MoPu8&t=169s
and at time 11:18 I saw the wings that change one image to another image.
I started created a bone and in that bone I made a slot and selected all images of all the wings just like in the video I have mentioned above.
One bone and slot for wings LEFT and another for wings RIGHT.
now I am stuck because I can't find a video about this dragon... so how can I change the images to make the bird fly like the dragon in the video.
Change the image from wing LEFT 1 to wing LEFT 2 and so on...
BUT... I don't have PRO...!!!
I got it...
So on the right you have all your images in the slot...
you go to animate... and you select the first image and only click the KEY on the right next to the image that is selected.
then you go to the second image and the key turns orange... select in the time line the next time to change and press only the orange key next the selected image and then it turns green again...
and just like that ... you have a flying bird... ^^
I will try it now...
everytime when I have a question , mostly I know the answer just after I post the question ^^
and here is the timeline ... when you press only the key at the right