Hi guys!
why don't you make it possible to trace mesh for all sprites at once?
If you have a lot of sprites, it is rather tedious to do tracing for each.
Trace mesh for all attachments
- 編集済み
Generally you want to evaluate the settings for each mesh to use the fewest vertices possible, but we'll consider a way to apply it to multiple meshes.
Have to +1 this. Trace is very handy for outlining hand animated effects so they fit optimally in the spritesheet. A 'mass trace' even at the expense of extra vertices per piece would be handy as well.
Discussed this on the Discord server, will be useful to have this feature in future updates of trace-all in a batch with some general parameters, which will save tons of time in some scenarios where you are handling +100 images. It doesn't matter if some meshes don't look perfect after the batch, we can revise it manually on specific cases and still save time. Thanks!
Hi, any news on this? It will be a very nice feature to have and time saving for us the animators
JulioD Unfortunately, no concrete progress was made, but I realized that we had not yet added this idea to our roadmap, so I created an issue for it: EsotericSoftware/spine-editor852
You can subscribe to this issue ticket to receive notifications when there is any progress on this issue.
Ok thank you Misaki! I hope it can be implemented soon , will be very helpful