I tried to open the project that you've attached and I can open the file in the Spine editor 3.7.94 via Spine Menu - Import Data...
Let me make sure about this:
I know with Pro you can switch back versions, I tried but no avail.
What do you mean by that? Do you have a Spine Professional license? If so, you can download older versions on the Spine Launcher window. Select Latest 3.7
in the Version's box, you can download 3.7.94 and run it. If you want to use the exact version(3.7.93), clicking Other...
and type 3.7.94
on the Older Version
window will allow you to use 3.7.93.
Sorry, I forgot to add a supplement. After you imported the data, you will see a lot of red box like this:
Spine can't import the images from the texture atlas page, so you have to unpack the texture atlas. Open Texture Unpacker
via Spine Menu - Texture Unpacker...
, and set the Atlas file path and Output folder path, and click the Unpack
button. Then, you will get the separated images in the Output folder
Lastly, set the images files path on the Tree view, and you can see the correct character image on the viewport.