Hi there Spine team!
I noticed a functionality in the editor that I doubt to be intentional:
When I'm editing the animation curves in the Graph View during animation, I can scroll to zoom and enlarge the view. Then I can Alt+Scroll to zoom in only vertically. Which is very important because sometimes the curves are too small to clearly see them by just zooming in. However, each time I zoomed in vertically with Alt+scroll, and afterwards I do one edit on the curve (moving the keyframe or the Bezier handles for example), the vertical zoom jumps back to the standard value. So after each modification I have to zoom back in, which gets a little bit annoying when you have several fine edits to do or are experimenting to get the best curve.
Video: https://i.gyazo.com/4b51162ead80d758a99e6cd54a61c6e5.mp4