Goal: What is the best way I can hide part of someone’s hair so it fits in a smaller hat?
Hey all,
I am creating a project similar to Spine’s mix-and-match example project.
I want to put a “skin” of a hat in front of a character’s hair.
Hats’ size < Hair size
What is the best way I can hide part of someone’s hair so it fits in a smaller hat?
My Ideas so Far:
—Split the head/hair skin into 2 pieces: “Side Burns and Bottom Part of Hair”/“Overlap with Hat” part of hair, and hide the “Overlap with Hat” when he/she is wearing the hat -> It is really hard to position together 2 halves of what should be the same object so the edges are not misaligned or show a small gap between each other. Even if they look aligned in one program (Ex: Photoshop), they might not be aligned in another program (Ex: Spine or Unity).
—Checked Spine’s blending modes -> Blending modes are about mixing colors and not about applying transparency.
—Use Spine’s Mesh deformations to squeeze the hair to fit in the hat -> So far, this is the best option. I am looking for a better option.
Thanks for your help!