• 日本語
  • UnityへSpineデータを持っていくとエラーがでます



[Worker0] Attempting to get Camera relative temporary RenderTexture (width || height <= 0) via a CommandBuffer in a Sriptable Render Pipeline.

[Worker0] Trying to get RenderBuffer with invalid antiAliasing (must be at least 1)

[Worker1] Refresh completed but there are assets queued up for importing. Check for code that modifies assets which gets called after OnPostProcessAllAssets. Additional details in Log file

[Worker1] Assertion failed on expression: 'm_Ptr'

[Worker1] The asset at Assets/Spine/Runtime/spine-unity/Materials/SkeletonGraphicTintBlackOutline.mat has been scheduled for reimport during the Refresh loop and Loading of it has been attempted.
Doing this can lead to the AssetDatabase returning two versions of the same asset.
Please ensure that code which attempts to reimport this asset does not run while the editor is Refreshing.
You can do so by checking the value of EditorApplication.isUpdating

[Worker1] The asset at Assets/Scenes/New Folder/01Slime_Material.mat has been scheduled for reimport during the Refresh loop and Loading of it has been attempted.
Doing this can lead to the AssetDatabase returning two versions of the same asset.
Please ensure that code which attempts to reimport this asset does not run while the editor is Refreshing.
You can do so by checking the value of EditorApplication.isUpdating

[Worker1] The asset at Assets/Spine/Runtime/spine-unity/Materials/SkeletonGraphicTintBlack.mat has been scheduled for reimport during the Refresh loop and Loading of it has been attempted.
Doing this can lead to the AssetDatabase returning two versions of the same asset.
Please ensure that code which attempts to reimport this asset does not run while the editor is Refreshing.
You can do so by checking the value of EditorApplication.isUpdating

[Worker1] Attempting to get Camera relative temporary RenderTexture (width || height <= 0) via a CommandBuffer in a Sriptable Render Pipeline.

[Worker1] Trying to get RenderBuffer with invalid antiAliasing (must be at least 1)

[Worker1] Tried select unknown importer for id '-2' '00000000000000000000000000000000'

Related Discussions

ただし、エラーメッセージは、特定のシーンとプロジェクトの設定が問題を引き起こしているように見えます。 残念ながら、zipパッケージにはSpineプロジェクトとエクスポートされたアセットのみが含まれ、Unityプロジェクトは含まれていませんでした。 残念ながら、提供されたアセットのみで問題を再現することはできませんでした。インポートまたは再生中にエラーが発生することもありませんでした。 この問題を示す最小限のUnityプロジェクトを送っていただけませんか。

Sorry to hear you're having troubles, thanks for sending your assets.
The error messages however look as if your specific scene and project setup is causing the problems. Unfortunately the zip package only contained the Spine project the the exported assets, but no Unity project. Unfortunately we were unable to reproduce your issue with the provided assets alone, we neither received any errors during import or playback. Could you please send us a minimal Unity project that demonstrates this issue?

1ヶ月 後

In our case it happened after upgrading from Unity 2020 to 2021, and we just needed to reimport (via right click in unity project tab) all spine assets to fix it.

Thanks for your input @DarkTI, much appreciated!