Hi just wanted to contribute a n00b tip to the database of Spine info. I'm just learning as I go and don't feel bad if you made this mistake, because I'm very familiar with the entire CG pipeline including rigging and animation, and still made it.
Say you go to animation the bones and the geometry suddenly jumps around. You check out the animation timeline and there's keys, you delete it, move the bones and it will keys return with more mesh changes. That's because the mesh is being offset in that key by the displacement away from the bones. So you if you have autokey like many animators, you may notice this.
This is really common whenever you're fixing bones and weights while jumping between animating tasks.
The simple fix was turning off 'Images' lock on when I went to animate. If you want to contribute to this thread, feel free to educate us as to whether there is a context sensitive toggle for this or perhaps plans for it. Otherwise add your two cents!
Kind regards,