I’m looking for a solution to loop animation in Spine infinitely
In After Effects, I can use Expressions (Javascript) to achieve this
In Autodesk Maya I could do this for example;
• Lets say you’re tasked with animating 200 frames of a biped fairy with flapping wings
• In Maya you would animate the wings flapping in a loop, lets say 30 frames
• Then you select the animation curves on the wings and click loop infinite
• That way the wing animation loops infinitely IE the animation plays for the full 200 frames only using 30 frames of hand keyed animation.
Then I can hand animate the other body mechanics in their own loop for the full 200 frames
Is there any options in Spine to achieve something similar?
Because I haven't found a solution and would have to copy and paste the wing animation poses across 200 frames.
I am trying to work out how I can avoid having to copy and paste the same animation data over time.