• Showcase
  • Rise & Shine.

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Badass! 😃

5日 後

Great animation!

Good stuff! Loving the art style.

Kikekun wrote
Nadesican wrote

How on earth did you make that cool red lighting effect on the bot? It doesn't seem like an opacity tweak...

It is! It simply is an opacity change 🙂 Of course only following a little bit the vertical movement of the robot's bulb to simulate perspective.

Here's a new secondary character for our game Rise & Shine, from start to finish:

Is it possible for you to make a quick video on how to do the red light effect? It will really help on what im doing for my game lol, the game looks really awesome, cant to play it!!

Thanks for the comments!

@gio51791: I'll try to do it as soon as I have some free time, although it's very simple on Spine. You simply select the image container of the red light, keyframe it with a 100% opacity. Then you go for instance to frame 20 and keyframe the red light to 0% opacity, then you go to frame 40 and copy/paste the first keyframe at 100% opacity. That's it!

5日 後
Kikekun wrote

Thanks for the comments!

@gio51791: I'll try to do it as soon as I have some free time, although it's very simple on Spine. You simply select the image container of the red light, keyframe it with a 100% opacity. Then you go for instance to frame 20 and keyframe the red light to 0% opacity, then you go to frame 40 and copy/paste the first keyframe at 100% opacity. That's it!

awesome man I think I know how to do it now, anyways keep posting more updates and if you will do a kickstarter I will support to make this game happen. Question any tips on how to start designing levels? Im almost getting there so programmer can start and create a demo to showcase in the near future. :yes:

gio51791 wrote
Kikekun wrote

Thanks for the comments!

@gio51791: I'll try to do it as soon as I have some free time, although it's very simple on Spine. You simply select the image container of the red light, keyframe it with a 100% opacity. Then you go for instance to frame 20 and keyframe the red light to 0% opacity, then you go to frame 40 and copy/paste the first keyframe at 100% opacity. That's it!

awesome man I think I know how to do it now, anyways keep posting more updates and if you will do a kickstarter I will support to make this game happen. Question any tips on how to start designing levels? Im almost getting there so programmer can start and create a demo to showcase in the near future. :yes:

We found a publisher that has funded the project, so thankfully we'll be able to finish Rise & Shine. Expect an announcement soon!

About designing levels...well, that's too big of a topic for me to try and answer you in a couple of sentences, sorry. Just start making levels and you'll get better and better. Don't be afraid of failing and keep improving your designs at any chance!

4日 後

This is pretty sick, I hope our artists are near this good when we start using the tool cause you definitely got it nailed 😉

Definitely going to be successful if you keep the idea right and finish it through to the end, keep working hard at it.

11日 後

Absolutely love this project and art/animation. Can't wait to try out the finished game!

Kikekun wrote
gio51791 wrote
Kikekun wrote

Thanks for the comments!

@gio51791: I'll try to do it as soon as I have some free time, although it's very simple on Spine. You simply select the image container of the red light, keyframe it with a 100% opacity. Then you go for instance to frame 20 and keyframe the red light to 0% opacity, then you go to frame 40 and copy/paste the first keyframe at 100% opacity. That's it!

awesome man I think I know how to do it now, anyways keep posting more updates and if you will do a kickstarter I will support to make this game happen. Question any tips on how to start designing levels? Im almost getting there so programmer can start and create a demo to showcase in the near future. :yes:

We found a publisher that has funded the project, so thankfully we'll be able to finish Rise & Shine. Expect an announcement soon!

About designing levels...well, that's too big of a topic for me to try and answer you in a couple of sentences, sorry. Just start making levels and you'll get better and better. Don't be afraid of failing and keep improving your designs at any chance!

i will then, like nike "just do it" lol but in all seriousness I'm learning so much and with my fellow indies i can get inspiration from all of you. KEEP IT UP THE NEW YEAR IS UPON >😃

Amazing! Looks awesome!

Thank you all for the kind comments! 😉

New year, new gif showing some combat gameplay:

24日 後

I saw this when you just had the walking animation showcase. Great trailer!! I really want to test out this game, excellent job.

3ヶ月 後

Thanks, Stringkiller! 🙂

Just posting a couple more of simple animations for one of our enemy flying robots:

Idle/Floating around (still not perfect):

And electric death. This one has a lot of frame animation.

Hope you like them!


1ヶ月 後

Saw a clip of Rise & Shine in the XBox E3 2015 reel. Congrats on getting featured! How's development going?

1ヶ月 後
Pharan wrote

Saw a clip of Rise & Shine in the XBox E3 2015 reel. Congrats on getting featured! How's development going?

Thanks a lot!

Development is slow as we are a small team and there is a lot of work to be done, but yeah, getting there! 😉


That's one bad ass goomba!

Nate wrote

That's one bad ass goomba!

I agree definitely. Wishing you guys the best of luck with your project.

Thanks a lot, guys!