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  • Style and FFD tests

Hello guys,

My team is currently planning a sidescrolling game (we'll most likely begin next month) and I've been doing some style tests (not final style) and getting used to the new features of Spine. It's a bit of a pain making more "dynamic" animations without IK pinning but I think I've gotten some pretty decent result (for a test anyway).
We'll keep you updated on the project!


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looks great 🙂 I love how fluid the run animation is. I would maybe add a little more weight to it, but apart from that, really great 🙂

Very nice. Wait til you get skinning. 😃

I would add an ease-in hinting movement/trick on the head turn.

Thanks guys! I'm still not very good using FFD that's why I'm running tests. It's true that the head movement could've been softened but I didn't add the vertexes properly, it can be tricky to learn how to draw each image and where to add the vertexes so you can simulate perspective and kinda morph one frame into the next.

As for the running animation, it needs slightly more weight true, I think that kind of corrections are gonna be really easy to do once we got IK pinning and skinning. For these animations i used some unnecesary bones such as the foot which could be done easily with FFD but a bit more painful to rotate without skinning. The new Spine features are great, I hope spine user base keeps growing so we can see more awesome stuff (2D > 3D all the way XD)!

Here I tried to soften the movement of the head but as u can see, in order to correct better the position of the eyes I should've either have a separate atatchment for the eyes (A must for my future designs) or more space beetween the eyes and the edge of the head. The result it's much better anyway.

Beautyful art style! But think about right shoulder, may be more bright blue looks better, especially on "run" animation.

Very nice art and animations!

One thing to think about is how noticeable subtle animations might be in the full game. I expect there will be a number of things going on, so the focus is different than when you isolate one animation. Probaly this means animations can be exaggerated quite a bit for most games.

True that colours need a bit more contrast, the armor tends to fade when being next to the blue clothes.

I agree with you Nate that these animations have too many subtle changes to notice in a game that has a lot of happening at the same time, a side scroller shooter for example. For future work I will most likely do thinks more exagerated and bouncy (blink blink elbow elbow), specially when I have more experience using Spine and FFD, although I also believe that even though you exagerate major movements you still have to add some subtle not noticeable changes here and there that add spice to animations (specially for those like me who like to analyse that kind of stuff XD).

Thanks for all your answers and recommendations guys!