It sends a aep problems.
I'm begging you! Savior
GigaFile ▼aep DL▼
DownloadKey 1202
It sends a aep problems.
I'm begging you! Savior
GigaFile ▼aep DL▼
DownloadKey 1202
I got your file, and the script runs fine! I see you are using the ExtendScript Toolkit.
Make sure you have Do Not Break on Guarded Exceptions checked!
ExtendScript Toolkit | Debug | ✓ Do Not Break on Guarded Exceptions
>Do Not Break on Guarded Exceptions[/quote]
Where do I you put a check?
I do not have knowledge of the program.
please tell me in detail.
I was able! Thank you!
But, properly image is not displayed.
json file in a single folder, image, image is not displayed even if you specify the path to collect the aep.
I'm sorry in strange English.
It's translated in Google.
You can see the path for each image in the Spine hierarchy: HTTPS をサポートしていないため、画像は非表示になっています。 | まだ表示する
Select Images in the heirarchy to see the path for all images: HTTPS をサポートしていないため、画像は非表示になっています。 | まだ表示する HTTPS をサポートしていないため、画像は非表示になっています。 | まだ表示する
That is how Spine finds the image: HTTPS をサポートしていないため、画像は非表示になっています。 | まだ表示する
Your images are in a folder named "(Footage)"
I made a copy of that folder and renamed it to "chara001_idle_ae-assets"
HTTPS をサポートしていないため、画像は非表示になっています。 | まだ表示する
perfect!There was no problem.Thank you!
Do you speak Japanese !?Great.
I this year, launched the company.
And the United States advance in the near future.
It is a miracle when you are working together
Are there any rules in the name of a folder?
aep and image folders and json is Do I have the same hierarchy?
This is probably a bad assumption, but I have it coded to use the project name or composition name with an "-assets" suffix. I did this because my projects were using Photoshop. We use the "Generate | Image Assets" function in Photoshop. This makes a directory ending with "-assets".
My code in the Spine exporter does this:
if (this.numCompsSelected > 1) {
return this.projName+"-assets/"+attachmentName;
} else {
return this.activeComp+"-assets/"+attachmentName;
I should probably change this!
How do change, do you read all of the specified folder?
Please tell us if you know.
Image is not displayed even with a -assets to folder
Why this is I do not know what can be displayed
Image does not appear when you run the script on your own
It had no effect I tried to this↓↓
AE2JSON.prototype.makeSpineAttachmentNameStr = function(sourceName) {
if (sourceName == null) {
return null;
} else {
var attachmentName = sourceName.replace(/([.]+).*/,"$1");
attachmentName = attachmentName
.replace(/ /g,'')
if (this.numCompsSelected > 1) {
return this.projName+"/"+attachmentName;
} else {
return this.activeComp+"/"+attachmentName;
You do not need to change the script code.
Just make sure the folder is named correctly. This is what my directory looks like:
Adobe After Effects Auto-Save
Thank you very much. solved!
thank you very much!