• 2D Character animation rig with Constraints

Hey Erikari - hope you're well! Do you do any freelance work?

I run a company that makes an app called Highrise (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/highrise-virtual-world/id924589795?mt=8). We're looking to figure out how we can implement really compelling 2d animations on an avatar system with 1000s of different items and components. Any chance you're available to chat some time for advice?


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Hello Anton!

Regarding freelance work, the policy I have for freelancing with Esoteric Software is bound to streaming the process of what I do.

Here are the rules:

  1. I’ll do rigging for free on the first stream
  2. Any work outside of the first stream is paid work
  3. If I can’t stream additional work, hourly is $75
  4. If I can stream additional work, hourly is $38

Regarding chat for advice, sure! reach out to me on discord or skype and I can try to direct you to availale animators or send you links to resources for figuring out the best pipeline for your case.

Unofficial Spine discord link: https://discord.gg/aA4ss3j
Skype contact: erikari91

