Hello! I could likely help you figure out a pipeline for your project.
You can download my projects and see how I work in these videos: Spine: Twitch
I work 40 hours a week for Esoteric Software, and then sometimes take side gigs.
I give Spine workshops, review rigs, as well as rig or animate. My strongest point is of course rigging and organizing projects.
Here's my latest rig, which is a rig I originally made on stream, that now features all the latest additions to Spine, like skin bones and constraints. (you'll need to enable beta to open it)
My hourly rate is 35$/h for rigging/animating, and 75$/h if you decide you only need a pipeline review or to be taught Spine.
For a rig with one skin it can take me between 4-8 hours to rig it, depending on the complexity (it's mostly faking depth with meshes that takes time), adding around 4 hours for every new skin or pose it should have within.
You can find me here on the forum, on twitter, or on discord. this is the unofficial Spine discord -> https://discord.gg/aA4ss3j