• Bugs
  • Spine to Unity atlas problem [VIDEO]

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Hi guys!

My atlas won't show up properly when I import it inside Unity. I made this video so you could pin point the problem. I used to have this problem and after 2 or 3 new export it was magically fixed, but it don't work anymore and my Atlas is always broken. Thanks for your help! 🙂 :beer:


Nice video. 🙂

You are fast, but still so many clicks to setup a skeleton. I don't notice so much when I'm the one clicking. Maybe a little helper dialog would help.
https://trello.com/c/YtpwbvSb/128-dialo ... a-skeleton

I've added the ability to set the atlas extension so you Unity guys don't have to do a rename every time.

HTTPS をサポートしていないため、画像は非表示になっています。 | まだ表示する

I fixed right click > Create > Spine Xxx to create the asset in the right place.

As for your actual problem, I'm guessing Unity is mucking up your textures since you are using 2048x2048. From the notes here:

Unity scales large images down by default if they exceed 1024x1024, which causes atlas coordinates to be incorrect. To fix this, override the import settings in the Inspector for any large atlas image you have so Unity does not scale it down.


Wow! With just one question, you added a new feature, put up in the Trello's queue an other one and solved my problem(was the automatic scale of the texture in Unity). Thanks a lot Nate! Cheers! 8)