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  • Cocos2d-x sort of working runtime

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this is a dirty hook for cocos2d-x done on a hurry, it'll be rewritten again, but it kinda works now.
the objective is to make it easy and fast to use:

bool ScSpineBoy::init()
    _boy = CCSpine::makeSpine("spineboy-skeleton.json", "boy.png", "boy.plist");
    _boy->loadAnimation("spineboy-walk.json", "walk");
    _boy->loadAnimation("spineboy-jump.json", "jump");
_boy->playAnimation("jump", 0, true); CCSize stageSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize(); _boy->setPosition(stageSize.width * 0.5, stageSize.height * 0.1); addChild(_boy); scheduleUpdate(); return true; } void ScSpineBoy::update(float delta) { _boy->update(delta); }

and yeah it forces the usage of a texture atlas, I used Texture Packer.