I have an atlas with HTML 5 game, which is inside JSON. It contains padding values. If I just move the values to the Spine atlas file, the sprite is sliced correctly, but the sequence is not correct, because each frame is slightly offset from the center, there is a shaking effect. I assume this is because I did not take into account the padding value when transferring to a regular Atlas.
These are my inputs:
"Element_1": {
"x": 871,
"y": 363,
"width": 265,
"height": 271,
"paddingLeft": 81,
"paddingTop": 77,
"paddingRight": 104,
"paddingBottom": 102
Normal Atlas includes the following parameters:
rotate: False
xy: 871, 363
size: 265, 271
orig: 265, 271
offset: 0, 0
index: -1
But i dont understand, how padding must to impact on spine atlas data? I would be grateful for your help