• Editor
  • Offset not working?

Hi there,

I have done the offsetting thing loads of time, but today it seems to not be working.
Example here, I created 10 bones with local selected, went into Animate, presses Auto Key and the Offset button, frame 0, moved each bone, went to frame 50 and keyframed the other direction, turned off Offset selected all bones in order, copied frame 0 to frame 100.
Turned Offset back on, and sent to the first bone Offet in the Dopesheet, normally the last key does not go past 100, but now is?

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You have a key at frame 200. You can tell because there is an orange vertical line at frame 200, indicating that is the highest frame in the animation.

Yes I have other animations, they are ok they run to 200, this was just to do a quick test, as it is not working

It is working though. It wraps keys at the animation duration, which is 200 because you have a key at frame 200 in this animation.

AH yes that was the issue, so now I can not do a animation of 100 frames, as there is another at 200?


  • Misaki がこの投稿に返信しました。

    I'm not sure what you are asking. Your animation that you showed in the screenshot has a key at frame 200, so your offset wraps at frame 200. Other animations are not involved at all.

    pretorius I assume you are trying to create a looping animation at frame 100, but having trouble since the orange vertical line at the end of the animation is not at frame 100 for some reason, right? If you can't find the key at frame 200, check Show all skin attachments in the tree settings or press ctrl+H (cmd+H on Mac) for Show All Bones/Slots. By any of those ways, you should be able to find the hidden keys after frame 100.

    • Nate が「いいね」しました。

    HI Nate and Misaki,

    Thanks for your help, it was the animations that went to 200 that resulted in the Offsetting not doing what I thought. I am new to ding this, and didnt realise it at the time.

    • Nate がこの投稿に返信しました。
    • Misaki が「いいね」しました。

      For the future, it may be useful to also consider using loop start and loop end to delimit an area within your animation where the offset can wrap around itself if the first and last keys are the same.

      Thanks Erika, you learn something new everyday.


      • Erika が「いいね」しました。

      pretorius it was the animations that went to 200 that resulted in the Offsetting not doing what I thought

      This doesn't make sense to me, as other animations don't affect offsetting the current animation, but I'm glad you got it figured out. 🙂