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  • Spine/traditional animation pipeline

I'm in the process of defining what will be the animation pipeline for our next project.
We'd like to achieve a hybrid Spine/traditional animation style. I was wondering what advice you could give me in order to import and integrate traditional animation sprites into Spine.
Some questions that come to mind would be:

  • What's the best way to import a set of animated sprites into the timeline?
  • How should I approach the creation of oriented animations (i.e.: walk_N, walk_NE, etc)?

Any answers and suggestions are really appreciated. Also, if there's any tutorials you think I'm missing/needing, just point me towards them. I've used Spine for developing commercial games in the past, so I'm well versed in the standard Spine pipeline. It's just that I stopped using it in 2019, as our latest game didn't really use Spine.

Thank you all!

Related Discussions

OK, I just leared that sprite sequences are a thing in Spine now. I guess that would play a major role in my pipeline.

Yep, region and mesh sequences make it easier to do frame-by-frame animation.

A directional depends on your needs. Often it's easiest to do it within a single skeleton. There are many threads about this, eg:

Be sure to check out physics, new in 4.2!

Wow, tons of help in those threads, thanks a lot @Nate 🙂
I'll make sure to check physics in 4.2, although I think unity runtimes were still on beta for 4.2 last time I checked, maybe this has changed?
Anyway, thanks again!!

  • Misaki がこの投稿に返信しました。

    pixelmeat We apologize for not being able to announce it properly yet, but 4.2 is already stable! We will make an official announcement in the near future.

    • pixelmeat がこの投稿に返信しました。
      5日 後

      Misaki That's great, thanks!

      • Misaki が「いいね」しました。