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HTTPS をサポートしていないため、画像は非表示になっています。 | まだ表示する

Hahahaha 😃 IK Pinning indeed!


6ヶ月 後
1ヶ月 後

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7日 後

Haha, what is he doing to that poor chicken!? :rofl:

Nate wrote

Haha, what is he doing to that poor chicken!? :rofl:

Now updated with more facial expressions because Nate said to.

LOL This is amazing! Mitch's best work yet! :clap:

Pharan drew/rigged the chicken.

This will be included in a soon-to-be Unity update called "Advanced IK and Chicken"

The neat part about it, besides the IK and facial expressions, is that the chicken is a separate skeleton being drawn between the spineboy skeleton's arms/hands.

You're wrong. The neat part about it is the hair.

Spineboy's official sidekick, IK Chicken.

Hair? What hair? o.O

Spineboy and IK Chicken share the same do.

Aha! 😃

1ヶ月 後

This is wrong on so many levels. Get's my stamp of approval! 😃

10日 後

Nice! 😃
So how did you get the chicken between his hands if the chicken is a separate skeleton? :o

There is a more important question.

What came first, the chicken or Spineboy!