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Spine for pixel art animation
I use the term "pixel art" loosely, but I'm pretty much referring to pixel based sprites. I've only seen one example of pixel sprite animations using Spine, which was in this thread.
I personally gave it a shot for an hour or so and it seemed to fight me for the lack of a better term. It could've very well been my own incompetence with the program, but it was enough to make me wonder whether or not Spine was intended to be used with low resolution sprites. As in the entire completed sprite is 32x32 pixels. If so, are there any settings I should adjust or be aware of? Any techniques I should use when preparing the assets for Spine? Like using (or not using) outlines?
What do you mean it would "fight" you? What specifically did you have trouble with?
Click Spine in the upper left, Settings and uncheck "Linear filtering". You can also adjust "Editor scale" to your liking, which changes the background squares and size of bones.
You can work in a higher resolution and export to 32x32. I'm not sure if Vohjiin did this in the thread you linked.
It's been a month or so since I tried, but I'll give it another shot with a low resolution sprite. I remember it "molding" or deforming the sprite I was adjusting in a way that killed the look of the sprite. It was particularly noticeable when the sprite had a contrasting outline, which might be the culprit. Like a black outline against a tan filler. The outline being necessary in the game so the sprite stands out against any color backdrop, but an outline can be added after animation.
I'll give it another shot and report back. Vohjiin's works were very impressive and give me high hopes for Spine. If I can wrap my head around it, I'll easily drop the funds for a personal license.
Either way though, one suggestion I would make for you guys would be to try putting out an example of animated pixel art using Spine. It will pull in casual pixel artists like myself. I'll admit being turned off a little due to the advertised art styles being something I wasn't particularly interested in at the moment. Hell, even ask Vohjiin for permission to show his
We are working on a demo section for the website. Shiu, what do you think about including some pixel art?
Sure thing, I'll add some pixel art to the demos. Time to brush off my pixel art skills
Ron Gilbert is asking if there is a Spine (pixel) artist for a paid job to figure out will it work for his upcoming game Thimbleweed Park.
Check out his blog post: http://blog.thimbleweedpark.com/spine
Shiu wroteSure thing, I'll add some pixel art to the demos. Time to brush off my pixel art skills
No pixel art demos 3.5 years later?
breakmt wroteShiu wroteSure thing, I'll add some pixel art to the demos. Time to brush off my pixel art skills
No pixel art demos 3.5 years later?
Eeeeek, we should limit the amount of time an old thread can be brought back to life
Honestly there hasn't really been any other requests for it that couldn't be handled here on the forum. It's quite simple. But if you have a specific request with pixel art? I'd be happy to do something about it.
@breakmt, FWIW this thread is pretty good:
Using Spine with Pixelart in Dan The Man
I just stuck with trying to animate my low res hero (24 x 48). The problem is when I try to move leg or arm there is small triangle hole between image parts and it looks not right. I have no idea how to prevent this - I can't do parts "rounder" cause they are quit low res... For example the leg is 3 pixels width.
Screenshot with example: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/7Ec4/RKLbGFrZR
Maybe you have some tips for preparing parts for Spine. Or any other advice in my situation? Thank you.
You have to put the pivot of the forearm right on the tip of the elbow.
This means the triangle will appear on the opposite side if you extend the arm too far, but we can assume you can avoid that in pixel style.
A lot of these things are trial and error and thinking about where things should be pivoting and how to shape things so that they will look okay when rotated in different ways. You will run into these problems even if your style isn't pixel art. Keep up the good work!