acai I am not sure I understand your requirements exactly, but how about something like this with physics constraints?:
In the video above, the only bone being animated is the Control-bone
. When this bone is transformed, the child bones are swayed by the physics constraints. The path attachment is bound to these red-coloured bones and they are weighted. (I was going to show you the weight view in the video as well, but I forgot that step. Sorry!)
Fixing one end of the path was done by giving the root
bone's weights.
Here is the Spine project shown in the video:
In this way, it would be possible to express the softness of the string while maintaining a simple method of control. However, the physics constraints are only available in Spine 4.2, so the same rig cannot be reproduced in earlier versions. The same results can be achieved in older versions by manually creating the rotation animation of the red colored bones. I hope this will be helpful.