Hello, I have SkeletonAnimation objects in my game which play very infrequently -
for example a storage chest that stands still until it is opened & closed, and then sits still
until the player interacts with it again. It seems wasteful to be updating in the time between.
I am hoping to reduce unnecessary Update calls, as Spine objects already eat up much of my frame budget.
So the question is:
Is there a recommended method for disabling the SkeletonAnimation.Update when it is not used? Said another way, is there a recommended way to manually Play one-off animations, and then stop updating?
I tried disabling the SkeletonAnimation component after a callback from the skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.Complete event, but disabling the component makes the mesh disappear.
I have seen other posts related to this, but they are either 10 years old or not the same question. Thank you in advance!