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  • Hitman Platformer Unity project is missing!

I just bought the (Hitman Platformer) asset pack!
There was supposed to be a Unity project included but I cant see any!

I created a brand new Unity project and added the folder (Hitman), but still, why can I not run
the demo game from "https://esotericsoftware.com/spine-asset-packs"

What am I doing wrong!

  • Misaki がこの投稿に返信しました。
    Related Discussions

    It seems like you are having trouble with the Hitman Platformer asset pack in Unity. To resolve this, ensure that you have correctly downloaded and imported the asset pack into your Unity project. The full platformer project should be available at Spine Asset Packs, and you can find a playable demo here. Make sure you have the spine-unity runtime installed in your Unity project, as simply importing the skeleton files without the runtime won't make them functional in Unity. If you haven't installed the runtime yet, follow the instructions in the spine-unity documentation.

    Does this Asset Pack work with Unity 6?

    I just tried to install (spine-unity Runtime) and it is giving me this error msg!

    Skeleton data could not be loaded. Data version:
    4.2.22. Required version: 3.8.
    Please re-export skeleton data with Spine 3.8 or change runtime to version 4.2

    • Misaki がこの投稿に返信しました。

      Colossi Let me check with you in detail as to what steps you have tried. I have checked the current download links for the Hitman Asset Pack and they all work fine.

      If you unpack the .zip file you downloaded, you will see a folder named "Hitman" in it:

      Add this from Add - Add project from disk in Unity Hub:

      It should then be added to the project list as follows If the supported Unity version is not yet installed, a warning mark will appear:

      Have you done these steps so far? And then you are having trouble getting anything to show up?

      Colossi To make it available in Unity 6, the skeleton data included in the asset pack must be re-exported in Spine 4.2, as currently only the spine-unity runtime 4.2 is compatible with Unity 6. (The version of the runtime must match the version of the editor to which the skeleton data was exported.)

      The Hitman Asset Pack also includes the Spine project, so please open it in Spine 4.2 and re-export the skeleton data in JSON or binary format:

      I'm still new to 2D spine, can you please tell what steps I should make to re-export skeleton data.
      Thank you

      • Misaki がこの投稿に返信しました。
        • 編集済み

        Colossi Okay, so first open Spine 4.2, the version of the Spine editor can be specified in the Version section of the Spine launcher screen, the Spine launcher screen can also be used when launching Spine on its own or when launching the Hitman Spine project by double clicking on it:

        Once you have opened Hitman's Spine project, click on the Spine logo in the upper left corner to open the main menu, then select Export...:

        The Export window will open. Select the export format from the list on the left, and specify the output folder, extension, and other options you want to use on the right. The JSON format should be selected by default, and this is the skeleton data format you can import into your Unity project, so there is no problem exporting as is, specifying only the output folder (you do not need to pack the texture atlas to update the skeleton data version):

        For your information, the first part of the .json file has a line that stores which version of the Spine Editor the .json file was exported from. Make sure that the major and minor version numbers shown here match the major and minor versions of the spine-unity runtime you are using in your Unity project to perform the import:

        More information about exporting from Spine can be found in the User Guide:

        The export procedure is also explained in the documentation of the spine-unity runtime:

        Thank you for this quick tutorial!
        Once I have exported the skeleton data, where should place it in the hitman project?
        Thank you

        • Misaki がこの投稿に返信しました。

          Colossi The location of the .json file in the Hitman project is Hitman/Assets/SpineMen/Spine/Hitman. However, the Hitman project, even the most recent one, is created using Unity 2019, and it may be quite difficult to upgrade this to be available in Unity 6. If using Unity 6 is a priority for you, you may want to create a new project and use Hitman's assets there by importing them. If not, and you want to open this project as is, you can download Unity 2019.3.2f1 and open it.

          • 編集済み

          Yes, I would much rather use Unity 6!
          I created a new project as a (Universal 2D)
          I dragged and dropped the entire (Hitman) folder in to my project (Assets) folder!
          I have also, re-exported the skeleton data as per your instructions above!
          Now I just need to know how to add json file in to my brand new Unity project!
          I assume I can just drag and drop.

          How do I change my runtime version to 4.2?

          I have managed to get the demo project to work, but I can only see the characters!
          Why is the wall and platforms not displaying?

          • Misaki がこの投稿に返信しました。

            Colossi It's hard to say for sure with just this screenshot because there's not much information, but if the objects are in the scene, as far as you can tell by checking the Hierarchy window, but you can't see anything, the shaders of the materials used for the walls and platforms have probably not been changed to the URP-compatible ones. Check that the material settings are correct. Also check if the lights are placed correctly.

            I managed to get the platforms and walls to show up!
            They were hidden for some reason!

            I have a question!
            Suppose that want to only import (Hitman) character into a brand new Unity 6 project!
            Is it possible to just export the (Hitman) character and exclude everything else!
            What files do I need to move over to the new project and still mantain full animation and controller actions!

            Thank you

            • Misaki がこの投稿に返信しました。
            • Nate が「いいね」しました。

              Colossi I am glad to hear that you were able to successfully display the platforms and walls!

              As for how to export only Hitman, generally if you right click on the asset, click export package, and check "Include dependencies" only those with dependencies should be selected, but as far as I have tried on my end, it seems that almost all assets are selected. So it might be difficult to just select them. I think it should be enough if you transfer the ones with "Hitman" in the asset name.