I have a case here that I would like to double check, this will define how we´ll proceed with our production.
We have a spine file with a bunch of fighting animations, this file was duplicated and other art was rigged.
None of the base bones was changed, it is an humanoid structure. We only added physics IKs and extra bones to the new character.
Using the first spine file animations in this new spine file works perfectly on Unity. Even though I change the bones name, such as the arm bone.

Here is the test in real time in Unity:
Is possible to confirm this works? I mean, I can see it is working, but the reason it does is unclear to me. Even if I change the bone name this works.
But regarding slot changes in the animation, that does not went through. As its possible to see only the original (character in the right) changes this face expressions. Both have the same slot name and skin slots names identical.
SLOTS test failed:
Here is the list and name of the slots, it follows the exact same structure for both spine files.

If the bones works (would be great to learn why), is there a workaround to make the slots also work?
Thank you,