• Showcase
  • two girls animation.

  • 編集済み

spine tool is Wonderful!! :clap:

+1 girl

workflow video

I hope this helps you. 😉

Related Discussions
  • 編集済み

Just amazing.
I haven't words for this animations.

Wow - this looks great 😃
I have a problem with the orange lady's right arm though - has she lost her hand or something? xD

Wow! :talk:

SimonMilfred wrote

Wow - this looks great 😃
I have a problem with the orange lady's right arm though - has she lost her hand or something? xD

Oops.. fix!! 😉

This is... amazing! 😃 WOW. Please show us some more if possible.

O_O Can't believe that this is 2D!

Also.. Would love to see your setup in Spine.

Incredible! Great job!

Oh my GOD.

How can not love this work.

and, Would love to see your setup in Spine, too!

Brilliant. Would also love to see a video of the Spine setup with bones and FFD boxes please 🙂

Yes, please, make a little tutorial. This is so awesome! 🙂

Wow thanks. I will make it try~ 🙂

wonderful! Seeing it cannot keep waiting for me. :yes: :yes: :yes:

Awesome Art and Animation!!! It's very impressive and give ton of inspiration!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

Amazing! I can't believe this was done in spine. I would like to see the spine setup too. 🙂

Holy macaroni! Please do a tutorial or show the FFD setup!

Yeah i think its best cutout animation ive seen yet 🙂 and i still remember people tearing me apart for requesting deformation feature in spine almost year ago, how about that ?

bwwd wrote

Yeah i think its best cutout animation ive seen yet 🙂 and i still remember people tearing me apart for requesting deformation feature in spine almost year ago, how about that ?

These animations are indeed very very good, but please stay on topic.