- 編集済み
Spine layer order
I would really love to be able to organise my layers manually, instead of the alphabetical order system. Especially in the animation tree, but the whole tree would be awesome
E.g; I have created a bunch of animation, and i need the character to point a specific, but basicly it's the same animation
Due to our naming convention, my layer tree will end up like the attached image. And my guesstimate is that i'll end up with 30-40 animations, which with this ordering system will create a bad overview in my spine editor.
Actually the same goes for the group sections; root, Images, Draw order.
I seldom uses the Draw Order section, but because i have a small z-index change it tends to fold out, and then i always have to close to again.
Thanks for listening
Being able to group things into folder and change the order would be nice.
https://trello.com/c/m8cZ6qBd/66-groups ... ble-export
Awesome - that task just received my vote
Im gonna go ahead and bump this. We have a skeleton with about 100 different animations, and being able to sort into folders is something we would love right now