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About purchasing Spine
Hello all,
Speaking about the pro version, how many licenses does it come with?
I mean, in how many pcs will I be able to install it? I am thinking of buying a better
computer in 1-2 months, will I be able to reinstall it there as well or my license will expire to the current one?
Also, using the trial version, I noticed this.
I load the spineboy for example.
I hit the right play button, it makes two running steps and then the timeline continues running endlessly
to the non existing frames.
Even if I set loop from frame 0 to frame 10, it doesn`t play the animation as a loop, just once and the continues running.
And if I hit the reverse play button, then I have to wait to cover all the "non-frame" distance it went until it
reaches back to the beginning.
What am I doing wrong? How do I set it to play as a loop?
Thanks for your help.
Nate wrote[...] you can install Spine on two computers as long as you are the only one using the installations, or each person using the installations has their own license. If you need to reinstall that is fine too. You can log out of an installation in the settings dialog.
Enable repeat in the transport controls for loop to work.
http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-dopes ... t-controls
So I want to upgrade to professional version via paypal. My essential purchase was via credit card.
How do I do it so I won`t repay the 69$?
Thanks for your help.
Ehm, any replies? I have also contacted the support and no reply yet.
Please let me know, I need to start working asap.
I've just replied to your email, sorry for the wait.