Stepped VS Interpolated
Hey guys. So I've seen a few threads on this topic. But I'm getting frustrated so I thought I'd come here and see if I can get some help.
I'm working on animating this hellcat. I set 6 poses (0 and 6 being the same) and tried to make a walk cycle. It seems to me that interpolated will make the animation smoother, but it destroys my animation when I set it to that. Stepped keeps it animated correctly but is very rigid.
Does anyone have some comments they can offer here? Should I stay with Stepped and just keep tweaking it? Do interpolated and tweak it non stop? I've watched the spine run animation tutorial but still wasn't getting very far. The "loop" gif is interpolated, and the other gif is stepped
Any help would be amazing. Tutorials, comments, whatever.
and the stepped
You'll eventually need to learn to animate using interpolated keys.
It wouldn't be to your advantage as an animator to keep hiding from it unless you're going for a look that it can't achieve.
Are you holding shift when scrubbing the timeline so you can see what is happening in the interpolation between frames? Why does interpolation cause you to tweak it "non-stop"?
Nate thanks for responding.
Yeah I've been holding shift to check frames once I set up key poses. I just feel like I set key poses, switch to interpolated. Then I'll see an issue, adjust, it throws off the rest of the animation after making adjustment (foot going through floor) etc. I'm working on this particular animation again from scratch. Using far more mesh work to see if that helps with some of the stiffness.
The Spine Run Animation tutorial you did gets into this, but that was before a lot of the additional features were added right? I'll post my results with the next pass at this. I love this software, but I was getting frustrated the other day with this particular animation.
To be fair also, while I know SPINE was made for game animation, I am actually building this particular animation for a demo reel for a DV. So the plan is to finish the animation, polish it, throw it into after effects and enhance it more. So I'm sure the purpose of this animation, being for display rather than interactive is causing some issues.
Working through the take10 tutorials now, would love to see more tutorial type stuff from you guys with all the current features down the line. Thanks for a great piece of software.
You could use IK on the 4 feet and animate that way. It might be less frustrating as it completely removes the feet going through the floor issue. IK isn't great at curved movement though, since translating the IK target happens in a straight line. There are some ways to work around this:
1) You could mix IK and FK, so you use FK when the feet are in the air and blend to IK when the feet are on the ground.
2) Another way is to parent the IK target to a bone and rotate that bone instead of translating the target. This will make target move in a circular motion. Some people use this to set up a "foot roll", see the raptor example project.
Had posted about this a while back. Think I'm done with it for now. Thanks for all the help. It's still not perfect, but it'll do for the time being. There's still some clipping on that front leg, and this isn't being used for a "game" which is the intent behind the software I realize. But for now, it's done.