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  • New Export Format - Runtime Examples / Loading Animations

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I'm a bit lost trying to find all of the updated runtimes/examples on github.

Is it just me, or is stuff missing (ie: the SFML runtime example references "extension.h", "spine.h" which I cant see anywhere any more?)

When I first got the SFML example a few weeks ago (and created an OpenGL version) there were a lot more files available... I was able to understand enough to get up and running.

Was stuff moved? Whats the ETA on documentation? The examples could be commented a bit more, especially where the new features are concerned.

This animationState stuff and rolling all the animations into one file seems great for portability and I'm all for it, but I'm back at square one now trying to figure out just how to load animations into my project and restore functionality that I had weeks ago, simply because the app auto-udpated and my runtime has no idea how to load animations any more. :bang:

Cmon, its not that bad.

First, load your skeleton data as usual:

SkeletonJson json = new SkeletonJson(yourTextureAtlas);
				SkeletonData yourSkeData = json.readSkeletonData(Gdx.files.internal("data/scenario.json"));

Then, you can load animation using the findAnimation method, from your SkeletonData:

windAnimation = yourSkeData .findAnimation("windAnimation"); 

Hope it helps.

EDIT: Note that this block of code is for libgdx runtime. But anyway, the methods are the same.

I know the forced auto update can be a problem. 🙁 I will have a solution for that at some point.

spine-sfml depends on spine-c. spine-c has most of the files, such as extension.h. Extended spine-c is easier than extending the now obsolete spine-cpp. There is one more bit of refactoring I want to do to spine-c, to make it even easier to extend by separating rendering from the data classes.

FWIW, if you get Eclipse CDT you can import the spine-sfml and spine-c projects and run the SFML example in one click. This might help you even if you use other development tools and toolkits.

Nate wrote

Extended spine-c is easier than extending the now obsolete spine-cpp.

Perhaps if you know C? ... I don't. (EDIT: I Hate C 😃 )

Why was spine-cpp discarded?

EDIT: I've never been a fan of overly abstracted OOP but I thought it was pretty handy in this case. I'm back up and running... it only took a few hours (and some tears and blood...)

If you know C++ then you know C. :p Using C allows more people to use the same runtime. It can be used from C, C++, and Objective-C. It can be easily wrapped for use elsewhere, eg Python. I don't like throwing away my pretty C++ code, but it is better this way. Glad you are working again! There will be another little break that changes how skeletons are drawn, just a heads up. :$