The animation is working as expected for translation, rotation and scaling. However images are not swapping when running the animation in Corona.
For instance I have a character that needs to blink and change eyebrow images. These work in the Spine editor, but in Corona it only shows the default images from my character setup screen.
This must be a bug because it was working this time last year in a different game.
From the user guide:
To key which attachment is visible for a slot, first show or hide the desired attachment in the tree by clicking the visibility dot next to the attachment. This will cause the slot's key button to turn yellow and clicking the button will set a key.
This just isn't working when I export the json file. It seems to be overlooking the image keys completely. Has anybody else tried Spine in Corona lately?
I can confirm that this works with an older version of the "spine-corona" and "spine-lua" folders.
Version 2 dated 24/12/2014 has no problem with image switching.
Version 2.3 dated 23/09/2015 will update bone positions, rotation etc but images will not swap at all. It is not possible to make an object invisible, animate facial expressions or swap items/clothes or any of a 1000 other situations where this would be needed.
I will use the old version for now, but this is a critical bug going forward. I will try to compare the versions and see if I can point out the difference for others. I can't be the only one experiencing this problem.
Also none of the sample projects on Github work, Spineboy etc. They are all dead links.