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  • How to Copy Mesh to Another Skin?

Hi, all! I'm new to Spine, and I'd like to know how to copy a complicated free-hand mesh to another skin. For example, I created a character that has a rather blob-like torso, so we had to create a lot of mesh points and bind them to bones. I want to apply this same mesh to an alternate character skin, but I'm not sure how.

Let's say I have a green alien called alien-green and an alternate skin called alien-blue. Creating bones for alien-green is simple enough because the same bones are applied to alien-blue. However, if I create a new mesh for alien-green's torso (with A LOT of mesh vertices that I carefully placed myself), I want that same mesh to be duplicated and applied for alien-blue's body. Editing paths just substitutes one torso for another, but that's not what I want. I want the mesh to be applied two both skins, and it seems like the only way to deal with it at the moment is re-do the mesh from scratch on alien-blue to match alien-green.

Just to be clear, I'm not talking about animation, as the character has not been animated yet. This is strictly for the setup mode for now. Thanks! :happy:

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krosa9 wrote

Hi, all! I'm new to Spine, and I'd like to know how to copy a complicated free-hand mesh to another skin. For example, I created a character that has a rather blob-like torso, so we had to create a lot of mesh points and bind them to bones. I want to apply this same mesh to an alternate character skin, but I'm not sure how.

Let's say I have a green alien called alien-green and an alternate skin called alien-blue. Creating bones for alien-green is simple enough because the same bones are applied to alien-blue. However, if I create a new mesh for alien-green's torso (with A LOT of mesh vertices that I carefully placed myself), I want that same mesh to be duplicated and applied for alien-blue's body. Editing paths just substitutes one torso for another, but that's not what I want. I want the mesh to be applied two both skins, and it seems like the only way to deal with it at the moment is re-do the mesh from scratch on alien-blue to match alien-green.

Just to be clear, I'm not talking about animation, as the character has not been animated yet. This is strictly for the setup mode for now. Thanks! :happy:

Not possible as far as I know. 🙁 .

You can duplicate weighted meshes and the weights will be copied too.
This means weight animations (using bones) will carry over but FFD animations won't.
Then you can change the name or path of the duplicate to change the image, so if you already made a green mesh using the green image. If you duplicate it, and rename it blue (or change the path to blue), it will use the blue image.

So if you already had the blue attachment. Delete it, and use the duplicate of the green attachment instead because that's the one that has the mesh.

3年 後
Pharan wrote

You can duplicate weighted meshes and the weights will be copied too.
This means weight animations (using bones) will carry over but FFD animations won't.
Then you can change the name or path of the duplicate to change the image, so if you already made a green mesh using the green image. If you duplicate it, and rename it blue (or change the path to blue), it will use the blue image.

So if you already had the blue attachment. Delete it, and use the duplicate of the green attachment instead because that's the one that has the mesh.

I found if using Find & Replace, make sure to use "Types" instead of "Region".

Or even easier (after running F&R on regions), just double-click the mesh name and rename to match it's appropriate counterpart.

Thanks @Pharan

I found the information sited in this post to be applicable....with the addition of my comments.

2ヶ月 後


Thanks for those updated links and tutorials. I wasn't able to find the correct ones via Google :nerd:

It took me a couple of hours to figure out Spine's "Mesh Link" and "Skin placeholder" system... One thing I noticed is I had to DUPLICATE the skin and not make a new one... otherwise the original skin and linked meshes are lost.

After killing a few brain cells trying to wrap my head around the whole thing I finally got it working the way I want in Spine. Now to test in Unity!

Thanks again! :grinteeth:

1ヶ月 後

I'm trying to do something similar, I have an ant that has 6 identical leg image and 2 identical antenna images.

I've created the mesh for the R antenna. How do I get an exact duplicate of that mesh onto the other antenna?

With legs the image shapes are exactly the same but the colors are different.

Hello @Astrydax! I suggest to rig the antenna completely, parent and bind the mesh to the antenna bones, then duplicate the first bone and position it where the second antenna should be.

For the legs I suggest the same approach, but (if the images are identical) after matching the position, replace the image path of the duplicate meshes with the ones in the different color.
Images - Spine User Guide: Image file lookup