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Error with command line texture packer
Hi Nate,
I am trying to use the texture packer through command line but I am getting an error. Can you have a look at this, please?
Command line:
/Applications/Spine/Spine.app/Contents/MacOs/Spine -i /Input/Folder -o /Output/FilenameWithoutExtension -p /PathTo/SettingsFile.json
2016-04-22 11:10:54.615 Spine[1676:60384] No Info.plist file in application bundle or no NSPrincipalClass in the Info.plist file, exiting
Spine version: 3.1.08 - Launcher 3.0.13
You have misspelled MacOS
. The OS
must be capitalized. Eg:
Awesome! I don't get the error anymore. But the atlas and texture still don't generated although everything looks fine on the terminal.
This is the command line output I get:
Spine Launcher 3.0.13
Mac OS X x86_64 10.11.2
Java 1.7.0_51 Esoteric Software
64-bit Server VM
Spine 3.1.08 Professional, JGLFW
Licensed to: ******
Am I missing something?
What does your settings JSON look like?
pot: false
paddingX: 2
paddingY: 2
edgePadding: true
duplicatePadding: false
rotation: false
minWidth: 16
minHeight: 16
maxWidth: 4096
maxHeight: 4096
square: false
stripWhitespaceX: false
stripWhitespaceY: false
alphaThreshold: 0
filterMin: Linear
filterMag: Linear
wrapX: ClampToEdge
wrapY: ClampToEdge
format: RGBA8888
alias: true
outputFormat: png
jpegQuality: 0.9
ignoreBlankImages: false
fast: false
debug: false
silent: false
combineSubdirectories: false
flattenPaths: false
premultiplyAlpha: false
useIndexes: false
bleed: false
limitMemory: true
grid: false
scale: [ 1 ]
scaleSuffix: [ "" ]
atlasExtension: .atlas
Sorry for the delay. You're right, there was an issue with texture packing being skipped. This is fixed in 3.2.00. We hope to do a release in a few days. Until then you can use an older version of Spine, eg:
/Applications/Spine/Spine.app/Contents/MacOS/Spine -u 3.0.00 -i /Input/Folder -o /Output/FilenameWithoutExtension -p /PathTo/SettingsFile.json
I'm not sure when the problem with CLI texture packing was introduced. You could also try 2.1.27. Note when running 2.x.xx after running 3.x.xx, there will be an error the first time v2 runs. Just run it again and it'll be fine. This is an unfortunate problem with v2 that is remedied in v3+.
Great! This work around worked very well. Thanks, Nate!
FYI the misspelling error (MacOs/MacOS) comes from the spine export manual: http://fr.esotericsoftware.com/spine-export#Mac
I ran into the same issue then found this thread. I guess it would be a good idea to fix it at the source
What is the misspelling? Is it that the CLI is case-sensitive?
Sorry for the delay. Didn't notice there was a reply. The CLI is case-sensitive indeed. Anyway it seems to be fixed in the manual now