Hi folks!
WOW I MISSED THE SHEAR FEATURE!O: it's great! (though I only used it a teeeeny tine little on the eyes and on the hit animation)
My sister has two bunnies, I had no interest in them at first but, man, they are SO cute!
So, I had fun with skins etc. and did a couple animations:
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Overall I spent 6 hours from sketching to creating 10 animations, which I think is... fair? I'm starting to get used to the tools (x
I'm happy, so here some bunnies for you.
Ah I'm planning to release the complete assets/spine files/atlas/psd on graphicriver so that's why I watermarked them (wouldn't bother otherwise) sorry.
I didn't even bother to draw other mouths LOL.
BTW I still have some troubles creating decent meshes, do you have suggestions? the ears are a bit messed up at the base...
A cute and fluffy bunny
- 編集済み
The bunnies look good! Ears are key. What exactly are you having trouble with when creating meshes?
(I merged the two images of the meshes to upload just one picture)
by troubles I mean that I have no idea of how to get the mesh deform as I need it but I guess it's my ignorance regarding polygons and 3D. I redid them a couple times and so far this was the best compromise yet I guess I just suck at it.
One thing I noticed is that after I make the mesh Spine deforms it (?) and I have to hit the Reset button to get it back to how I drew it (I mean, I didn't even bind it to bones) and after this it gets moved a tiny bit away from its original place.
Oh, and it might be incredible but I still encounter the "root bug" (to which I once posted a video) so this time I couldn't move the root at all after selecting the Bones and Images compensate setting, (cause I first parent all the parts then I move the root so that the feet touch the line and then I reset the root to 0,0 but lately the meshes do strange things or the last image I attached).
Besides this Spine really is amazing and I love you. Just so you know, and those new features are really something! I just read about the mesh reuse and I'm looking forward to test it! (did I mention that I love you? I spent SO much time redoing these every time TTTT next would be a copy paste of animations between different skeletons without having to "hack" your file and I'd be really done haha.)
The problem you're having with deformation is because the edges aren't connected in a good way.
Since the ears bend along the length you want to make it so the internal edges are "horizontal" like this for example:
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Also check this section in our documentation:
I hope it helps!
Thanks for sharing
Thank you Shiu!!
I don't remember seeing that part in the guide!O: is it new? I actually learnt a lot and also fixed manually those poor ears.
I did a video thinking about the people that will open the file for the first time and it shows bones and how to change the color of the mesh (cause I used a system with only one set of images but all white)
Maybe nobody cares but here it is anyway LOL
I wonder if those linked meshes would have saved me the time I spent re-keyframing all the animations meshes each time I duplicated the skin...
The project looks good!
Note you an copy/paste deform key frames to another mesh, as long as it has the same number of vertices. Linked meshes are really idea for mesh image swaps though.
You know you can right click to switch to the last used tool? Will save you some mousing. Also Pose
can translate now, just hover over the bone origin.
I noticed some of those and it was a really pleasant surprise! the only downside is that half the times I try to pose a bone by ritating it I end up translating it by error instead, but I guess I just have to get used to it.
No I had no idea o.o goes to try OH WOW now this is helpful too!
Super thanks!!
it's So cute <3 !
Erikari wrotethe only downside is that half the times I try to pose a bone by ritating it I end up translating it by error instead, but I guess I just have to get used to it.
If you mouse over the bone or its tip, you'll get rotate. If you mouse over the origin, you'll get translate. When a bone is so small that the origin and tip are close together, Pose
prefers translate. When a bone's origin or tip is very near another bone's origin or tip, Pose
also prefers translate. One tip that can help is that Pose
prefers the selected bone, so if you are having trouble with small or overlapping bones, try clicking to select the bone you want to manipulate before dragging.
Thank you Nana >.<
And thank you Nate for the precious tips!